Update offers only mscx as save format.

• Jul 27, 2015 - 13:03

I downloaded the update. I also repaired it. I haven't removed and reinstalled yet.

The update only offers mscx in the dropdown lists. I need to save as midi and pdf. I posted this as a bug and was told it was a forum issue. How do I get it to save as other formats?


File | Save as... supports .mscz and .mscx as those two formats are native to MuseScore and preserve all features of the score.

File | Export... allows you to "save as" PDF, MIDI, XML, FLAC, WAV, MP3, SVG etc. Once saved, MuseScore won't be able to open those files any more.

This is the message I get in trying to upload a file using Vista w. version 1.0. (Version 2.0 doesn't seem to download.)

"The selected file .Midnight - Scene Two - We Almost Had it All.mscz, cannot be uploaded. Only files with the following extensions are allowed: mscz."

At 70, I may be too old for computers. But, huh?

In reply to by tomrhodes

Notice the comma at the end of the filename you tried to upload? That and the period at the beginning of the file are trying to tell you this is *not* the actual score; it's a backup copy of an earlier version. You nmeed to uplaod the version *without* the leading period and trailing comma.

In reply to by tomrhodes

Notice the comma at the end of the filename you tried to upload? That and the period at the beginning of the file are trying to tell you this is *not* the actual score; it's a backup copy of an earlier version. You nmeed to uplaod the version *without* the leading period and trailing comma.

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