D.C. al Coda Troubles...

• Jul 29, 2015 - 02:49

Running version 2.02 on windows 7.

I am having problems getting the D.C. al Coda to work the way I want it to. After the D.C. al Coda, it jumps back to measure 1 like it is supposed to, but after the first measure it jumps immediately to the coda sign at measure 9. My "To Coda" is placed at the end of measure 3. I am pretty sure I have placed/notated things correctly. I want it to play from the beginning to the D.C. al Coda, back to the beginning and through measure 3, then jump to the Coda at measure 9.
Also when it does skip from measure 1 to 9, it plays measure 9 and a random part of measure 4 at the same time... Not sure what to think about that.

Does anybody have any suggestions for me?

Thanks in advance,


According to standard practice, repeats would not be taken on a DC or DS. So putting the To Coda in the 2nd ending won't work. Eventually, MuseScore might support controls to tell it take repeats on the DC, but for now, it doesn't. There is also an extra repeat at the end of the 2nd ending in measure 3

However, even with those issues fixed, there still seems to be a problem, when the jump to coda happens at the wrong time and you hear a double playback.

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