How Do I Move a Staff?

• Jul 31, 2015 - 01:18

I searched the handbook, but can't find how to move a staff up or down. For example, moving from the last position to the second position. Some parts of the handbook imply you might be able to do this if yo select it, but I can't find out to select a staff. If I click anywhere on the staff, it selects an element in the staff, not itself.

How does one move a staff?


When you say staff, I assume you mean instrument.

If you press "i" the dialog box will appear which will allow you to move a staff (instrument) up or down.

Otherwise, I don't understand.

In reply to by xavierjazz

You're right. I'm still trying to wrap my head around MuseScore being instrument-centric, rather than staff-centric, as some apps are. Note to developers: This paradigm is so central to MuseScore, apparently, that it might be worth giving it more ink in the handbook.

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