6/8 notes

• Aug 2, 2015 - 16:53

I want to write 6 notes between to bar lines, but the program only allows 3. I have put the 6/8 as time signature, but the program dont understand that.

Can You help me to solve this problem for me?
(my English is not so good, I apologize that).

Best Regards: Marco Marino 700


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In reply to by Marco Marino 700

To be perfectly clear:

6/8 doesn't mean 6 motes of any type you like. It means 6 *eighth* notes (aka quavers). So if you want to enter eighth notes, you need to tell MuseScore that by selecting the eighth note in the toolbar, or by presisng the shortcut 4. Otherwise, if you don't select a duration, the default is a quarter note (crotchet), and in 6/8 there are only three of them per measure.

The program does allow that provided that the notes are the correct length - i.e. quavers (croma, colcheia, croche, eighth note etc. - see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eighth_note if your language uses a different word). You have to tell MuseScore what length of note you want otherwise it just defaults to a crotchet (quarter note).

Hi, Many thanks for the answers. I understand now, how to use 6/8 notes. I like the program (Musescore), because it "corrects" my notation. Yes, a 6/8 note it´s not same as one 4/4 note. It was my misstake. I also like this forum and the help You all gave me. Thanks again.

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