Note heads (Bravura) misprinting as Treble Clef (12 below) symbol when printed or exported to PDF file.

• Aug 4, 2015 - 14:32

I just installed the most recent update for MuseScore 2 the other day and have encountered the following issue. When writing a score using the Bravura text for musical symbols, they appear on screen as normal note heads. However, once printed or exported to a PDF file, all the note heads appear as a Treble Clef with the number 12 beneath it (Treble Clef, Octave Down) instead. When I switched to Gonville or Emmentaler text for musical symbols, the issue disappeared. The Bravura symbols from the master palette are still Bravura and are unaffected, so I would prefer to use the Bravura text so that all the symbols look uniform. I know that this issue did not exist for me prior to installing this update. I highly enjoy using MuseScore because of its integration of the Bravura text, which I use the Just Intonation, Wyschnegradsky, and other microtonal accidentals for the music which I compose. I'm new to this forum so apologies if this issue has already been addressed elsewhere. Thanks.


In reply to by [DELETED] 5

I did have them installed. I uninstalled both the Bravura and Bravura symbols as system fonts and then reset my score as Bravura font. This did solve this issue, thank you very much.

Apparently Bravura as a system font is rendered differently than Bravura in MuseScore. I wonder if someone else who had Bravura installed as a system font would have difficulty viewing a pdf score created by MuseScore.

In reply to by amperkinsmusic

I think it's not that Bravura is treated different according to how it is installed - it is that probably a version mismatch. You version of Bravura may have been too old. Certainly having an incompatible version of notation fonts installed can cause lots of other problems, but normally those problems are visible immediately on screen, not just on export to PDF. So I'm not really sure what is going on here. Bottom line - it is best not to have Bravura or Bravura Text installed when working with MuseScore. But if PDF looks fine on one system, it should on all - that's one of the reasons for the existence of the PDF format.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Ok, thank you. I've used Bravura (as a system font) for awhile, so it is very likely it was out of date and it makes sense that there would be problems with it since you mention it. That the symbols were rendered correctly in MuseScore but not when printed or exported to PDF had me very confused, but the issue was solved as soon as I followed the advice to uninstall the Bravura system fonts.

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