Problems with the text properties of volta lines

• Aug 5, 2015 - 20:06

I have compiled some instructions to illustrate problems with the text properties of volta lines:

First, change the style > text > volta setting to 5pt. This will make the following easier to demonstrate.

(1) From the advanced palette, drag and drop a 1st time volta onto the score. The text changes to 5pt (which is the menu style > text > volta setting). This is the default behaviour.

(2a) From the advanced palette, double-click a 1st time volta on to the score. The volta defaults to 11pt. Why is this different from the above?

(2b) Right Click on the volta applied in "2a" and chose line properties > text properties > reset to style. The text stays at 11 pt! Save the score, then reload. The volta has now changed to 5pts! A bug.

(3a) Change the text size of the same volta to 20 pt and save it to a custom palette. Now drag and drop the same volta to the the score. The text size remains the same. This is a change in behaviour from the default volta (which assumes the properties set in the style menu).

(3b) Right click on the volta applied in "3a" and chose line properties > text properties > reset to style. The text changes to 5pt (the menu style > text > volta setting). This is as expected.

(3b) Double click the same volta (from the custom palette) on to the score. Right click on the volta and chose line properties > text properties > reset to style: the text size changes to 11pt. A bug.


Drag & drop is indeed subtly different from double click. I believe drag & drop creates a new element and gives it default settings; double click copies the settings of the palette element. Or something like that. So occasionally you'll see some small differences.

I think 2b and 3b are enough of a bug to be worth submitting.

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