moved texts won't be saved

• Sep 27, 2010 - 14:26

at least measure numbers and intrument names/

You can move them either dragging, either editing style, and print, but the new position is not saved

Ubuntu 10.04 Musescore 3400


In reply to by [DELETED] 5

It's what I experience on attached file, at measure 14 and 23 (see atached pdf) wher I drag to an extra-ordinary position for instruments names (S + T) or (Hommes), which has been taken in the pdf, but doesn't stay in the mscz (attached also)

obvious similar situation for measure numbers, which I widened and displaced by dialog, not saved......

Attachment Size
toute la pluiebasse.pdf 89.59 KB
toute la pluiebasse.mscz, 13.82 KB

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