How to indicate that a passage is to be played on only one string?

• Aug 14, 2015 - 18:20

I have been composing a string quartet and would like to have the second violin play a certain passage on only the G string to give it a warmer tone. As many of you know, this is usually represented by a Roman numeral above the first note, and sometimes as a line, extending over the passage, each numeral representing a different string (e.g. I=E II=A, etc.) Can somebody tell me where to find these numerals for note input?
Thanks in advance!


If you want the line, see the Lines palette (be sure you are in the Advanced, not Basic, workspace - see control at bottom of Palette), The line marked "VII" will do nicely, Add it, then right click the line, Line Properties, and change the text to whatever you like.

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