Tracks on an exported midi

• Aug 14, 2015 - 22:26

I have a multi-instrument piece that I am trying to load into Aria Player.

After exporting it to MIDI, and importing it to AP, some instruments don't show up at all on any track. The 4th instrument shows up on the 11th track, etc.

There are many problems. How do I determine what midi track an instrument will be on after I have exported from MuseScore to MIDI?

Also, I am fairly new to this so please excuse me if I have used the wrong terms...

Thank you.


It's always easier to help if you post the specific score you are having problems with and give precise step by instructions to reproduce the problem you are seeing.

In general, I think MIDI assigns tracks in staff order - top staff is track 0, next staff track 1, etc. If you have more than 16 tracks, the channels get reused.

This is the file I've been trying to put into AP. When I import it, it only plays the first couple of parts in order, then for the rest of the parts, I have to change channels, and often times, they don't register on any channel.

Attachment Size
Mr._Burns_Interlude.mscz 46.89 KB

In reply to by kartone

When I load that score into MuseScore, export it to MIDI, then import the resulting file, it looks OK as far as I can tell. Anywhere in particular I should be looking for problems?

If the MIDI loads into MuseScore OK, but not into the other program you are using, that suggests the problem might be with that other program...

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