Final Review

• Aug 14, 2015 - 23:10

To anyone interested, I've completed my re-written piece from original. From a last post someone commented that I may have to redo all my work because i formatted my measures to fit before I was finished .....may be the case. Haven't printed it yet to see size but I do need all of it to fit 4 pages. With 6 measures spanning per staff (system). Whichever right word it is. So I just need to do the "detailed formatting " on the final...yet again I'm stuck as to how to. Will be fiddling around to find out but advice will help speed along. Attached are original & re-written. Thankkks


You won't have to redo *all* your work, just the manual formatting work. That's why I kept emphasizing the importance of entering notes only first, not worrying about formatting.

First and most important, as I suggested before, is that you have set the staff size unreadably small. You need to change that back to something more reasonable if you expect to be able to read this. The original used a perfectly normal staff size, there is no reaosn you shouldn't as well. So go to Layout / Page Settings and set the "Staff space" back to its default - 1.764.

Thenm you added a bunch of spacers that will get in the way of being able to control spacing. To delete them, right click one, Select / All Similar elements, then press Delete.

Next, you hid a bunch of elements and that is going to interfere with MuseScore's ability to process your score correctly. Press Ctrl+A to select all, then press "Set Visible" in the Inspector. Unfortunately, that won't get everything - "select all" skips certain automatically-generated elements like clefs and time signatures. So right click a clef, Select / All similar elements, then turn the "Visible" checkbox on (or if it is already on, turn it off then back on). Do the same for time signatures, and then again for barlines.

You will also need to reset all the manual adjustments you made to positions, as they are now more clearly wrong. While everything is still selected, press Ctrl+R to reset those adjustments.

At this point, you should more or less be where you would have been had you not done all those adjustments, and you can proceed with the *real* formatting. I'll pos a followup with suggestions there.

Once you have followed the above instructions to remove all the manual formatting, here's what I see you would need to do to get it looking like the original:

1) Style / General, turn on "Hide empty staves". This allows MuseScore to remove the empty vocal staves.

2) Ctrl+A to select all, the press "{" a couple of times to tell MuseScore it's OK to space measures more tightly. At this point, you should have the right number of measures per system on the first page throughout much of the chater, but not enough systems per page.

3) To fit more systems per page, you *could* try to decrease the distances between staves, but I don't recommend it. Instead, I think you should go back to Layout / Page settings and try a *slightly* smaller staff size. First, though, I notice you changed the paper size to something non-standard; that's won't work when you go to print. It looks like the original was probably Letter, so set it there to match it, or A4 if that is the paper size you use.

4) Once the page size is back to what it should be, reduce staff size *just* enough to fit the desired number of systems on those first couple of pages. Looks like with Letter paper size, 1.7 gets a fourth system on the first page, but still leaves you with only two on the second. Going down to 1.65 does the job with a little room to spare.

5) I can now see that you changed the maximum system distance, and that is why the systems are too crowded vertically with unnecessary space at the bottom of each page. Go to Style / General / Page and set Maximum system distance back to its default of 15, so MuseScore can space the systems out correctly.

6) The original used very small font for lyrics, that helped them avoid some collisions and other spacing problems. You might want to do the same - right click one syllable, Text Style, then change to 10pt or even 9pt (which is about what the original used, I think).

7) The fiddling you did with the clefs has unfortunately left some extra clefs in the score - setting them invisible is what caused that. So if you see extra clefs, delete them (eg, measure 18, 36, 41 when I do this; it might be different for you). A few are also out of place; if you see that, click then Ctrl+R. Or - and this might be easier at this point - you could right click one clef, Select / All similar elements, Delete - this will remove *all* clef changes. Then you can add back the ones you actually wanted.

At this point, you should have a score that is now pretty close to what it should be in terms of the global formatting systems. Then it is just a matter of re-applying any manual adjustments that are still necessary, like to move some given dynamic element out of the way of a lyric or whatever.

In reply to by SergiiMashaMixa

Looks like you removed the line breaks. That's actually the one bit of manual formatting you had done I *wasn't* suggesting you remove :-). But you can add them back, either manually or with Edit / Tools / Add/Remove Line Breaks. Not sure what you mean about the low notes, but I did notice your opriginal had notes entered in the wrong octave - like you had added clef change to one spot then manually dragged it to appear somewhere else, then you entered the wrong pitches to make it look right even though it would have sounded wrong.

Anyhow, you did well for a first attempt. Probably would have made sense to start with an easier project though nto learn your way around.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks.....I'm attempting to figure out how to get that mid-measure bass MEASURE 16 in it keeps the low notes for TB where I want them...but each time I take a bass to that measure it moves it to Measure 18. ??????? oh well....heres where i am. I would have started out on an easier piece but Choir is Sunday & if i dont want to sound like a fool I need to simplify it so i can get it somewhat....haven't practiced for years so a simple version is better than the original i cant play well

Attachment Size
Abide_With_Me_2.mscz 38.12 KB

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hallelujah!! Perfecto! Many many thanks for your time Marc and all others who have helped. I can finally print & play! And this program is great because when I'm unsure about keeping a time I can just follow along as the program plays it for me....its got alot of great tools to use that I dont get in the Finale Notepad 2012...i did try it out...only gives 8 Staves....not enough.

Attachment Size
Abide_With_Me_2.mscz 34.93 KB

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