[Capella import] Triplets
On importing a Capella file of a known piece that included triplets, the notes were converted into 'normal' lengths and the triplet mark lost.
As a result the bar lines shifted to preserve the numbers of notes in the bars (measures), getting more and more out of synch as each triplet was encountered.
I've come across triplets that are not recognised when Capella files are imported. I have made a separate bug report about this.
When trying to edit the notes to convert them back into triplets, it would be very good to be able to select the notes and convert them back into triplets with a simple keystroke.
Typically these triplets involve 3 quavers, or a crochet and a quaver - in the US I believe that this would translate as 3 eighth notes, or one quarter note and an eighth note).
Pressing Control-3 to convert them would be nice, as this is the same keystroke used to make a triplet where none existed before. In Note Entry mode, Control-3 inserts rests and gets in a real mess - not what is wanted when editing an existing stave. If a different keystroke is needed for editing, what about Control-Alt-3 ?
Instead of inserting rests when editing notes into triplets, the bar (measure) line could be adjusted automatically to preserve the correct number of notes in the bar (measure).
Thank you
Please zip and attach a sample capella file that has triplets
Hello David,
Zipped Capella file of 'The Leaves be green' by William Byrd attached.
Thanks for the file
See also : #15386: [1.2 prerelease] Capella Import corrupts score at triplet
In the branch, r5434, support for simple tuplets (3 eights, 3 quarters, rests) has been added. Support for uneven tuplets is missing. The file in #15386: [1.2 prerelease] Capella Import corrupts score at triplet imports correctly.
Attached a file with all sorts of tuplets.
See also #20929: [Capella import] extend tuplet support beyond simple triplets, which was put in as a bug and closed as a duplicate of this issue
Came up again in https://musescore.org/de/node/109731
And here some sample scores in capx and cap format, as well as their mscz results.
The threaqd mentioned above also has MIDI and XML files, thise import much better
Current import results are even worse than the ones attached by Jojo. Should be addressed in 3.X.
Relates to #301427: [EPIC] Capella import issues