Basic lyric entry issue

• Aug 18, 2015 - 01:15

Hi. To enter multiple lines of lyrics I've read '[left-facing hooked arrow] moves down to the next lyric line (Note: not the Enter key from the numeric keypad!)' I'm using a Lenovo Thinkpad (laptop). The 'left-facing hooked arrow' IS the Enter key; there is no other. My first stanza, first syllable is entered. I press Enter, nothing happens. I engage NumLock and press Enter again. The cursor moves down a line, I enter stanza 2, first syllable, but as soon as I do anything (e.g. Space to move to next note) the syllable 1 text box reverts to a single line, placing the stanza 2 syllable on the same line as the stanza 1 syllable. Is there a solution to my problem? Thanks. Tony McKenzie


The key phrase in the passage you quote is "from the numeric pad". On keyboards that have a numeric keypad, there are *two* "Enter" keys - well, one might be labelled "Return". You want the one that is *not* part of the numeric keypad - in other words, the same one you use to end paragraphs, add blank lines, and do tons of other things with. The regular, every day Enter/Return key. If you have a numeric keypad, it is possible that this one will work as work, but that probably depends ont he specifics of your OS and how your keyboard is wired. Sounds from your description that maybe if you turn numlock on, ti appears to do something, but it isn't the right thing. So you need the other, regular Enter/Return key.

If that doesn't solve your problem, please post the specific score you are having problems with and give precise step by step instructions to reproduce the problem. You can post the score using the "File attachments" link right below where you type your reply.

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