Some help needed: changing bar line, deviding piano

• Oct 4, 2010 - 07:47

I attache a couple of lines, a "piano overture" which I created originally using the sequencer and
then exported the MIDI-file (MusicXML not supported in the seq.).

I´ve tried to do the following edits by reading the MuseScore manual but havent managed to do these,
I wonder if someone can help me:

1. How devide the piano part to right and left hand in reasonable way: I know the righ mouse click command "devide" where the defaul devision line is in C3 but with that nor by other devision points I don´t manage to get
the left hand as I´ve played it: e.g. in the first bar(s) left hand play just single notes
H-G, C#-A, D#-H, and the last 6 bars the left hand plays single note-pairs. C#-G, C#-G, C#-G, C#-G, C#-G, C#-G.
2. The first bar should reach until the mark "A", can´t manage to change the bar lines, the time signature
can be changed of course, too.).


Edit: Attachment removed by request of the poster.


It sounds like you want a 6/4 time signature. Is that correct? To create the file attached I did the following:

  1. Edit > Select All
  2. Edit > Copy
  3. Drag 6/4 time signature onto first measure
  4. Select first measure only
  5. Edit > Paste

Edit: Attachment removed by request

In reply to by David Bolton

David, thank u very much, you saved my day!

Have you any idea how do the piano part left-right -hand split in the way I describe?
As I mentioned, I´ve tried several different divisions but can´t get this in the form I played the piece (see
my remarks e.g. of the left hand.) The piece seems to loose information in the split - how is this possible?


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