Musescore first timer

• Aug 19, 2015 - 17:15

Heey there,

My name is Rebecca. I just started using Musescore for a schoolproject. During this project
I would like to write a piece of music for a brass band. I have played horn for 8 years in a brass band and have had some music theory lessons, but it's the first time ever that I'm writing a piece.
I think I started of pretty good but I could definitly use some help.

Thank you,



Ciao Rebecca, welcome aboard.
Take a look at the tutorial "Getting Started" on the main page and rely on the community for any problems.

Welcome aboard, Rebecca! Shoichi basically said it—the video tutorial series will help you gain a basic understanding of how to use MuseScore, and you'll find these forums are a great resource for all kinds of questions. If you need help with anything, just ask.

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