Nightly 3567: crash on reset positions (ctrl-R), other issues

• Oct 9, 2010 - 17:43

I'm not clear on the procedure for submitting bug reports, particularly regarding nightly builds - the "How to report bug or ask for support" document doesn't really clarify when to use the forum versus issue tracker. Sorry for any breach in etiquette here.

Night build 3567: reproducible crash trying to reset position of dynamics. Select any note in demo document (or any document), hit L to add dynamics, double click any marking to add to score, exit dynamics dialog, drag marking to move it, hit Ctrl-R to reset position: crash. For whatever reason, this doesn't happen with the "f" already entered on beat 1.

Other issues encountered:

-dynamics entered in score do not appear in linked parts, nor vice versa (not implemented yet, or something I need to enable somehow?)
- dark UI color scheme unreadable on my screen - too dark to see the toolbar icons (old color scheme works fine)
- Concert Pitch button transposes/untransposes notes, but key signatures always display as transposed


Latest nightly build 3785 doesn't show much improvement on most of these counts.

#1 (Ctrl-R leads to crash) - this one does seem to be fixed
#2 (dynamics entered in score do not appear in linked parts) - still present
#3 (dark UI unreadable) - somewhat better (because it's not really dark any more), but OK/Cancel buttons in dialogs are now almost unreadable hard to read as white against medium gray
#4 (Concert Pitch transposes notes but not key signatures) - still present

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