Measure numbers

• Aug 24, 2015 - 23:03

I am inserting measure numbers and have figured out how to do that. However, it looks like the default position for numbers is above the staff (and therefore, above the measure). I want it below the staff (measure). Is the the only way to do that by changing the Vertical position under Style/Text/Measure Number? Note: I changed it from -2.00sp to 5.50sp which did move it from above the staff to below.


Something similar – entering a calculation and applying it globally – is how all notation programs handle this.

The fun comes when you extract parts and all these measure numbers are not where players expect to see them.

In reply to by eddn

They'll stay where you put them—unless you move them (you can have a different style in the parts from the main score, or even change the style of one of the parts individually). I believe Mike's point is that it's more common for measure numbers to be above the staff than below, but I've definitely seen it both ways, so I wouldn't worry.

By the way, welcome back, Mike! Good to see you again.

In reply to by MikeHalloran

If so, thank you for the information. Can you provide a source for that? I can't find anything on the internet that says one way or the other:……

Interestingly, this search led me to come across a case of Finale lacking one of MuseScore's essential usability features—apparently in Finale there's no way to set the vertical position of measure numbers in one part independently of the other parts:…

In reply to by eddn

Assuming you may the style change before generating the parts, then yes, it will carry forward to the parts, so everything will work nicely.

If you have already generated the parts, you'll have to update the style for the parts separately, since MuseScore allows you to have separate styles for score and parts. So you'd view one part, make the change there, and hit the "apply to all parts" button in the style dialog.

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