Parentheses around notes
The handbook does not say how to add parentheses ( ) round notes. The answer is to add them from the symbols menu (shortcut Z) or the Staff Edit menu (so David says. I'm not sure how that works).
The handbook does not say how to add parentheses ( ) round notes. The answer is to add them from the symbols menu (shortcut Z) or the Staff Edit menu (so David says. I'm not sure how that works).
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What do you mean by the Staff Edit menu?
In reply to What do you mean by the Staff by David Bolton
Sorry, David, I should have checked your words: Staff Text.
In reply to errata by cwhysall
Oh yes. I meant Create > Text > Staff Text and use the computer keyboard to type in the parentheses.
Here's the original thread:
Thank you! This is exaclty what I am looking for. How did you do to move the parenthesis around the noteheads afterwards? Both when I add "staff text" and "system text" the program does not allow me to then place those parentheses down in the system, but moves it up over it again. Any advice?
In reply to Thank you! This is exaclty… by loveronnelid
Hello again! I kept on looking, and I now found a great tool in the toolbox "noteheads" that does exactly this! :)
In reply to Hello again! I kept on… by loveronnelid
Which didn't exist 10 years ago...
In reply to Which didn't exist 10 years… by Jojo-Schmitz
I am lucky to be here now. Thanks for posting this!
In reply to Which didn't exist 10 years… by Jojo-Schmitz
What did? :)
In reply to Which didn't exist 10 years… by Jojo-Schmitz
I have been on this forum learning MuseScore. I have seen a lot of your comments. It's unfortunate that you are a moderator. I would not want you as my teacher.
In reply to I have been on this forum… by learningdaybyday
Good thing he's not a moderator then, as this forum doesn't have any ;-)
In reply to Good think he's not a… by jeetee
nonetheless he presents his views in a way that a novice might likely find abrasive
Just the same as Pallettes > Noteheads
but still:
Palettes > Accidentals > Add parentheses to element
In reply to Palettes > Accidentals > Add… by punkzx12
The "Add parentheses to element" works great. But, once the parentheses are there, how do you remove them? The only thing I have found is to delete the note and recreate it.
In reply to The "Add parentheses to… by TommCarr
Select the parens (one by one), press Del.
In drums parenthesis indicates ghost notes (to be played at lower volume). I am using now version 4 and was hoping this would happen automatically. Is there a way to set globally volume for notes in parenthesis. At the moment I am having to select one by one and change the velocity.
In reply to In drums parenthesis… by giaco17
THis is still the method for now at least.
In reply to THis is still the method for… by Marc Sabatella
ok thanks for confirming and for leaving a hint of hope for a global setting sometime in the future