Change individual notes volume on musesecore 2.0
I used to control the volume of piano clefs on musescore 1.3 changing the "velocity type" by selecting the note, the measure or even the whole clef > right click the note (or any note in case of selecting more than one) > note properties > set velocity type to "user" and then change the velocity (0 - 127).
But now with 2.0 i can't find an option to do that kind of stuff. Is there any other way to do control the volume of each note? That bass clef of the new Yamaha piano soundfont is just too loud.
with clef you probably mean staff...
Anyway, you can still do this, via the Inspector
However, the question is why would you want to, rather than using Dynamics?
And which Yamaha piano? There are 3 in the Default soundfont, "Yamaha Grand Piano", Bright Yamaha Grand" and, quite a bit furter down the list, "Mellow Yamaha Grand"
In reply to with clef you probably mean by Jojo-Schmitz
Thank you for answering.
I always use the yamaha grand piano soundfont cause the bright one is way too bright. Also didn't know about the mellow, but that one is way too muffled.
About the dynamics, I can't use that cause the bass staff is sounding a little bit louder than the treble.
Even when both staffs have the same dynamic, the interpreters always usually stress (or emphazise) the treble, and at most make them sound the same. I'd have to fill up the whole score with dynamics where there shouldn't be.
Sorry for any mistake cause I really don't trust my english
Maybe this can be done with the Inspekteur (F8).
There is an entry about velocity dynamics.
In reply to Maybe this can be done with by [DELETED] 1307581
Thanks for the shortcut
The Inspector is indeed the way to change note velocity and most other properties of most elements. You can select individual notes and change the velocity directly, or select an entire range, then use the "Notes" button in the Inspector to limit the selection to just the notes within that range (because the velocity controls won't be available.for range selections).
But I agree this may not be the right answer here - if you have a specific score where the bottom staff is overpowering the right, chances are decent that this is inherent in how it is written (big heavy chords in LH against single notes in RH, for example), and it probably would be balanced poorly if played by human musicians too. So adding explicit dynamic markings to the staves would be a better idea. It's also possible, though, that the score already contains explicit velocity overrides left over from 1.3 or from MIDI import and that these are artificially changing the volume of some notes. In general, things *should* balance pretty well by default.
Feel free to post the specific score you are having problems with.
In reply to The Inspector is indeed the by Marc Sabatella
Thanks for the hints.
In reply to The Inspector is indeed the by Marc Sabatella
I'm having a similar issue, but the inspector won't help. The drumset is inherently unbalanced. When I hit play, the cymbal hits are very hot while bass and snare hits are very quiet. I cannot find a way to edit the sound properties and bring up the levels of the bass/snare or bring down the levels of the cymbals. I can't really use dynamics since all the music is on the same staff.
In reply to I'm having a similar issue, by laserquail
The soundfont you are using is designed for that type of balance - appropriate for some styles of music (eg jazz) not so much others (eg, rock). So, search around for a soundfont whose drumset is balanced more to your liking. See the Handbook under Soundfonts.
Or, use the Inspector to change the notes one at a time. In 2.1, this gets easier, as you can select all notes of a given pitch in one operation.