Musescore 2: File cannot be opened

• Sep 3, 2015 - 16:24

Musescore version 2.0.1
Windows 7

Recently, when I was working on this piece, Musescore kept saving a copy of it at a different location. Then, I deleted this copy and went to the folder where I saved the original one. However, when I opened the file, there was a pop up showing: "Load error. Cannot read file". I tried to recover it with the backup file but I cannot change the ".mscz,". I would be very appreciate if you could help me as I worked really hard on this project.

Attachment Size
Khoảng_trời_THTH.mscz 384 KB
Khoảng_trời_THTH.mscz, 113.89 KB


Hopefully you still have the version you deleted - in your Recycle Bin, Trash, or whateber your OS calls it. Because I think you find after renaming the version with the comma, it is an older backup copy, and you really want the version had been saving all along, even if for whatever reaosn it was being saved somewhere other than where you expected.

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