Estoy usando Musescore hace unos meses...
1.- ¿Existe la posibilidad de escribir dos instrumentos melódicos, uno que este en una tonalidad y otro en otra? (Que esté modificado desde la armadura de clave).
2.- No está el instrumento de percusión llamado "bombo legüero" usado en el folklore argentino. Tampoco el "charango", etc...
3.- ¿Es posible modificar la armadura de clave al estilo Vela Bartók?... La bemol (Ab) en la armadura, o el Fa sostenido (F#) en el segundo espacio en vez de la quinta linea.
It appears that you are asking for help on how to use the program. The place to do that is on the Support forum, and perhaps someone who speaks Spanish will be able to answer you better.
Google translate:
I have been using Musescore a few months ago ...
1.- Is there the possibility of writing two melodic instruments, one that is in one tone and the other in another? (That is modified from the key armor).
2.- There is no percussion instrument called "bass drum" used in Argentine folklore. Neither the "charango", etc ...
3.- Is it possible to modify the key armor in the style of Vela Bartók? ... The flat (Ab) in the armor, or the sustained Fa (F #) in the second space in Time of the fifth line.
Reg 1st item: use voices
Reg. 2nd item: See also and