Windows 10, Musescore 2 does not open

• Sep 4, 2015 - 21:18

I've tried reinstalling twice, using the .exe directly out of the bin folder, using the shortcut on the desktop, clicking the checkbox to open it after installation, and nothing pops up. Nothing at all. Not just opening and crashing. Literally nothing happens. Any solutions?


Was it working before an update to Windows 10? Could be some things have changed around. Reinstalling seldom changes anything of substance; instead follow the instructions under "Revert to factory settings" in the Handbook. If still no luck, try start from a command/terminal window (assuming Windows 10 still has this) and report what you see. Also, of cours,e try rebooting, in case there is a zombie process left over from a previous unsuccessful attempt.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

To answer a couple things, this was a new computer when I downloaded for the first time and had no luck (I used Musescore 1 on Windows 7 before). I've restarted a number of times since then, and it has the same problem today. I just never posted about it until now.

In other words though, I've literally done nothing with it, so it should be at "factory settings".

In reply to by Toady

Understood, but still worth doing in case something went wrong during installation or the first time you ran it and some bad files need to be cleaned up.

Also the terminal/command window output would be very helpful if the Revert doesn't fix it on its own.

Not sure if it will help, but may be worth a try.
While I did not have a problem with Musescore (2.0.2) running on WIn 10, I changed the properties, (right click icon, select properties) and under compatibility, changed it to run in a lower windows version, in my case XP, there was a slight performance change for the better.
MS2 booted a little faster among other small things.
This could all be PC system related rather than MS or Windows.

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