Super easy question, but I don't know its answer!

• Sep 7, 2015 - 19:24

Forgive my terminology failings, but this is for piano. In the attached picture I'm playing G, F, E, etc. down to F a few notes below middle C with a midi keyboard. Picture attached.

This is for the Piano. My problem is a simple one: Why is there an extra staff thrown in between the two clefs? I have found that if I turn notation off I can select the B below C and if I hit CTRL-SHIFT-DOWN ARROW it ends up where I want it, at the top of the treble clef. How can I permanently turn the unwanted staff between them off in Musescore? Thanks!

Attachment Size
musescore_Staff.png 7.23 KB


In reply to by Jm6stringer

Thanks, this is helpful. It is the ledger lines, but I think really what the problem happens to be is that I want that octave below middle C to disappear, so all those notes that were in the no man's land between the treble and bass disappear and it transitions immediately from tredble to bass.

I assume this can be done real-time while playing slowly, with both hands so that I don't have to keep dropping or going up an octave to avoid any entries in the ledger area?

In reply to by Watermark

It isn't really clear what you are asking. You saying "playing" - are you playing a MIDi keybaord into a sequencer then importing the notes into MuseScore?

MuseScore only supports one-note-or-chord-at-a-time input, and only onto the staff you specifically ask MuseScore to input them on. If you want to input notes into the bass clef, you need to enter them there.

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