Corrupted Score, please help

• Sep 9, 2015 - 04:45

So, as it just so turns I am next to illiterate when it comes to music theory... and probably far past illiterate when it comes to reading sheet music. I've tried learning on my own using several websites and I just can't do it. I've been using MuseScore for years to convert old xml and pdf files into MIDI that I can then work from for my own personal projects. As it so happens today I ran into an issue with a score converted from a PDF where it says it is corrupted as shown bellow.

As shown in the image, Measure 23 Staff 1 incomplete. Expected: 8/4; Found: 17/8 seems to be corrupted (I have no idea what this means, looking at the help articles on this didn't help me either.)

I cannot fix it, I don't have the knowledge or the capacity to run the MuseScore software. If someone could please fix it for me I would appreciate that. There is a lot of emotional attachment involved with this particular score and I've been working on this project for a while, it's for a very close friend of mine. I would love to get this done. There might be more corruptions than this so I've attached the original PDF for comparison's sake.

Plumb - Cut.pdf

Kind regards,
J. Vienneau


Inmporting a score from a PDF is a very experimental featurel; it won't work very well most of the time. Too many complications to make this process work reliably. There are actually uite a few other errors here. so even with that one measure fixed, this score is not in good shape. it will require quite a lot of work to correct, and might be easier to simply re-enter the music by hand - as is fairly often the case.

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