Marching Percussion Problems

• Sep 13, 2015 - 00:37

Hello, I am trying to write a marching drumline cadence and I chose marching tenor drums, snare drum, bass drums, and cymbals. When I write the music for mainly the snare, tenors, and bass drums, the music does not sound like drums at all. They sound like a piano and other weird things. How can I make the marching percussion actually sound like marching percussion.


In reply to by Matthew Pehala

I assume you extracted the soundfont from the ZIP?

These days, unless you have a soundfont editor installed, double-clicking the SF2 file should automatically place it in the right directory.

But if that is not working you should put it in MuseScore's Soundfonts folder, which, unless you have altered it is Documents\MuseScore2\Soundfonts.

Once you have done that open the Synthesiser dialogue from the View Menu and click Add.

Once the soundfont appears at the top of the window, move it under the default FluidR3Mono soundfont by using the up/down buttons.

Finally click the set as default button so MuseScore loads it every time it starts.


In reply to by ChurchOrganist

Ok. Thank you very much. That was the answer to my problem. The sound effects are great now, but for some reason when the marching bass drums play, I hear a weird crackling noise. Does anyone know if there is a way to get rid of that; other than that, I have this working perfectly, thank you again.

I'm trying to write Snare Drum exercises and solos utilizing the Marching Percussion soundfont.
I'm betting this has been answered many times but I can't seem to find the answer.
I've installed the soundfont and I'm getting the correct sounds, but when I add notes to the staff it appears on the staff in the wrong place.
I click to place a regular snare beat and the note appears at "A" below middle C. Plays back correctly as a marching snare, but the note appears at A below middle C.

Maybe I've missed a step in installation?
It's got me stumped.

If this is not the appropriate place for this kind of question, please move it or tell me where to submit.


In reply to by Joseph.Simon

It would be better to open a new topic—the simplest way is to choose "Ask for Help" from the Help menu in MuseScore. It would also be important to attach the score that's exhibiting this behavior—I'm guessing it doesn't happen if you create a new score?

See you elsewhere on the forums! ;-)

In reply to by Joseph.Simon

Which version of MuseScore are you using?

In early versions of MuseScore 2 there was this problem with the position of Marching Percussion snare notes, but it seems to have been fixed in 2.0.2.

In order to track down the problem we need to see the score - the one saved by MuseScore - not a PDF or image.

The simple fix is to use the Edit Drumset dialogue to move the note to the position you require it.

The procedure is detailed in my tutorial video Editing the Drum Palette in MuseScore 1.1

The procedure is the same for MuseScore 2 but the drum palette has shifted to the area beneath the score and you will find the Edit Drumset button at the top left of it.


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