anyone willing to look at my first attempt? I'm having a couple issues...
This is a vocal arrangement for a new beach boys revue i'm writing. A couple things have me stumped:
1. I wrote in a repeat after the 1st ending (going back to measure 29), but musecore is ignoring it and just going forward to the 2nd ending instead. what have i done wrong?
2. I had some trouble with the alternate voice & 2nd verse lyrics - initially I just wanted to provide a 2nd voice for individual notes only, not whole measures (when the rhythm is a quarter note in the 1st verse, but an eighth in the 2nd verse). Am I correct in assuming you can't do that? I couldn't get rid of the extra rests that fill the measure so I had to add alternate voice notes for the entire 2nd verse. I really don't like all those double stems everywhere, and I couldn't move or hide them.
3. I wanted to add rounded brackets to the notes in the alternate voice, but for some reason they aren't working. can you try for me and see if the same problem is happening for you? I selected the rounded brackets in the "accidentals" palette and tried to drag & drop on the notes I wanted bracketed, but nothing is happening.
(Please let me know if this not the right forum for this. Thanks..)
Attachment | Size |
Fun, Fun, Fun.mscz | 14.84 KB |
1. Your 1st and 2endings are not good. Read about Voltas in the handbook. You don't need to use several 1st ending, just one and use shift + right arrow.
2. You can't have only one note in a measure on a second voice. MuseScore needs a full measure for each voice. But you can put rests instead of notes and make them invisible (right click on the rest -> set invisible)
3. To put a note between parentheses, select the notehead, press Z to display the symbol palette and double click the opening and closing parenthesis (5th line)
1. You have three endings labeled as your 2nd ending. What do you intend to happen with these multiple endings?
2. To find out about "Hidden spacer rests" read Voices in the handbook.
3. Read how to add parentheses to an accidental in the handbook (see Accidental ). Make sure you are not dragging it to the notehead.
In reply to 1. You have three endings by David Bolton
thanks so much.
I couldnt' figure out how to extend the voltas onto the other staves, that's why it was set up that way - but i fixed it now. I also figured out how to make the other notes invisible on the alternate voice notes that are identical (in the future i'll use rests and do the same).
But even after I fixed the voltas issue, the musescore still isn't playing my repeat - it just jumps right from the 1st ending to the 2nd ending.
it'll print okay, but i'd like to figure out what i'm doing wrong for future arrangements... any other ideas what i have screwed up? revised version is attached here.
In reply to thanks to you both by Rich Arnold
Read about the "logical" start and end of the volta brackets in the handbook (see Volta ).
Even though your first ending looks fine, the "logical" end is actually before the multi-measure rest. Extend the logical end till the actual repeat bar. You may find it easier to delete the current first ending bracket and create a new one, extend using Shift+arrow keys.
In reply to Read about the "logical" by David Bolton
thanks - I deleted all the repeat bars & voltas and recreated them.
I just used the shift-arrow keys to extend everything so it should all be lined up... i even deleted the multi-measure rests in case that was the problem. but the repeat is still not playing through.
i'm stumped.
In reply to thanks - I deleted all the by Rich Arnold
This file plays just fine for me. What do you expect ?
In reply to This file plays just fine for by [DELETED] 5
there's repeat at measure 46 - it's supposed to go back to measure 28 for verse 2.
for me, it just plays right through the repeat (goes on to measure 47 & the second ending without doing the repeat).
it worked for you?
In reply to there's repeat at measure 46 by Rich Arnold
Is the repeat button in the toolbar checked ?

In reply to Is the repeat button in the by [DELETED] 5
AH! i was going nuts trying to figure out why it wouldn't play the repeat. i knew it was something I was're awesome. that was it.
i just have one more question & then i promise i'll shut up for a while...
When I try to add the 6 measures of rests back into my 1st ending, it displays them as 6 individual measures instead of adding a multi-measure rest. (see attached, measures 45-51).
is there a reason it's doing that (are multi-measure rests not displayed when they're encompassed by voltas)? because i have the box checked to create multi-measure rests in the edit style menu, and they're showing up correctly in other areas of the piece.
In reply to AH! i was going nuts trying by Rich Arnold
it looks like the multi-measure rests are intentionally broken in "important" parts of the music..
"Versions 0.9.6 and later automatically break multi-measures at important breaks such as rehearsal marks, time changes, double bar lines, etc."
I guess that applies to my example, inside the first ending volta.
Is there a way to turn this feature off, or to disable it for certain measures?
In reply to it looks like the by Rich Arnold
Breaking multi-measure rests "at important breaks" means breaking at the start or end of a volta bracket not inside a volta bracket. Breaking of multi-measure rests that are fully inside of a volta bracket is a bug in the current stable versions of MuseScore. This bug is already fixed in the nightly builds for the next major version of MuseScore.
In reply to Breaking multi-measure rests by David Bolton
cool - I downloaded the nightly build. FYI, inserting a new measure inside a volta currently makes it crash every time. But what does work is to add all the new measures in the stable version, then open the file in the nightly build (where the multi-measure rests are displayed). i can then save the nightly-build version as a pdf for printing.
1 song down, another 12 to go...
I can't tell you how much I appreciate all the help I've gotten on here. I know I'll get faster & faster with each new song I arrange. I'll definitely recommend musescore to everyone I know.
In reply to thanks by Rich Arnold
Thanks for pointing out the bug. I filed a reported in the issue tracker:
#7745: [trunk] Insert measure causes crash