Keyboard shortcuts completely defunct

• Sep 15, 2015 - 01:27

I have been using muse score 2.0 for a while, and just today I opened it to work on an arrangement, and none of my keyboard shortcuts were functioning. I couldn't enter note entry mode by pressing "n" and I even couldn't start playback by pressing space. I have read some other forums on the issue, but others only seem to have problems with certain keyboard shortcuts, whereas I cannot use any of my keyboard capabilities.
My laptop has some keyboard issues, and it has since lost all functionality in its own mounted keyboard, so I use an external USB instead. This keyboard works perfectly fine in all other applications, and has worked in muse score before even with the broken laptop keyboard. I have tried resetting preferences and restarting the program, as well as switching files, but nothing has worked.
I would appreciate any help as soon as possible. The lack of keyboard shortcuts dramatically reduces productivity.


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