Hiding barlines for one staff

• Sep 17, 2015 - 19:23

I know how to hide all barlines in a score, but how do I hide barlines in just the first one or two staves? The only way I can figure out is to make each barline invisible one by one ... feasible but tedious.


If you literally want them hidden for the first *staff*, not the first *system*, then that is easy - just right click the staff, Staff Properties, and uncheck "Show barlines". If you really mean the first *system*, then you could right click one, Select / More / Same system, OK, then press "V".

But it's also possibly there is a better way to do whatever you are trying to accomplish. Are you sure you really want to just *hide* the barlines - meaning they will still take space, and still affect measure numbering - as opposed to wanting to make them go away completely? If the latter, then you really just want to join the measures - select them, then Edit / Measure / Join Measures.

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