Play Panel: First 2 eighth notes are played as sixteenth notes? (0.9.6)

• Nov 13, 2010 - 22:30

It's not a serious problem. Is there anything I can do? Score attached.
Should I download the new version of MuseScore?

Attachment Size
minuet in f.mscz 2.53 KB


There is an artefact of a tempo change on the second beat of measure 1. I saw it by looking into the mscx file with a text editor. Do you have any idea how you manage to get this?

Find attached a fixed version.

Upgrading to MuseScore will not solve your issue with this particular score but could save you from future problems. So I will advise to upgrade.

Attachment Size
minuet in f.mscz 2.51 KB

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