
• Nov 25, 2010 - 15:33

Ubuntu 10.04 Gnome

when trying to change the "spatium". I had to change it by editing the mscx file

Blind to accents in characters......
files including some special character in their name , such as "amitié" are not seen in the mscore navigator. I had to change names.....however language choice in preferences is "Systeme" (french in my case). Perhaps there is something related to ISO or Unicode???

"Skin "
musescore uses another "skin" as the one used by Gnome......a choice is given between dark and light, but they are both similar. Would be good to have the choice to use the standard choice of the current Gnome (or KDE)

mscore music files use an icon......which appears huge, that's too much (see attached file)

Attachment Size
Capture.png 48.9 KB


In reply to by [DELETED] 5

musescore "about QT" gives "This program uses Qt version 4.6.0." (what does it means exactly...)

similarly I have a QTcreator whose about is:

Qt Creator 1.3.0
Basé sur Qt 4.6.0 (32 bit)
Compilé le Nov 30 2009 à 16:19:01

but when I look in synaptic, I see a lot of libqt4-..... which are

too complex for me..............

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

now with nightlybuild 3762M, (french version)

-always unable to save as pdf
-but also the 2 possibilities to "print pdf" either with the PDF printer, or with the Print to file produce empty pdf... thez have the right number of page, but empty.
I saved to png, then printed as pdf and joined the pdfs

is the problem of the pdf printers (which are out of musescore) the same or another one?

should I write a bug?

as compared to 3724M
Ubuntu 10.04

The points signaled are always present:
- crash when changing spatium
-files using accented characters are not seen in the navigator
-specific skin
- large icons associated to file names

I found another problem, related to part extraction. I found it impossible, receiving an almost empty window when trying. See attachment (this attachment show also the "specific skin")

Note that I switched to this last version to have profit from the corrected section break (I was one of those asking for this tool) , and found it a perfect tool.

Attachment Size
Capture-1.png 24.77 KB

In reply to by robert leleu

Regarding section break, there is a nice workaround to simulate a section break in MuseScore
When you want a section break, insert a measure, put the key signature you need, and a different timle signature than the previous and the next movement. Make this measure invisible. It works great with more than one staff.

Attachment Size
SectionBreak.mscz 1.87 KB

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