MuseScore hangs when started - Solved - Heads-up for new users

• Nov 27, 2010 - 16:26

Just wanted to share this with others who might experience the same or similar problem.

Whenever I would start MuseScore, I would get the splash screen and nothing else. Even trying to close teh app using Windows Taskmanager would often fail, forcing a reboot.

In searching for solution, I came across the Debug version. It confirmed that the app was hanging and going nowhere. Had a brief moment of inspiration and went to check my anti-virus/anti-spyware programs. Ensured that MuseScore had all necessary permissions. Hanging issue has disappeared and MuseScore (v0.9.6.3) runs like a dream.

Thanks for a really great program!


Hi Gene,

Thanks a lot for sharing this information. It will be very helpful in the future I believe. Could you tell us what anti-virus/... software exactly caused MuseScore to block at startup?

In reply to by Thomas

Hi Thomas,

I had an issue with ZoneAlarm.

Mind you that did not entirely fix the hang-up issue. I do believe that part of the hang-up has to do with RAM/memory. If I run MuseScore just after boot-up now, I have no issue. But if I have been running the computer fro a while, it still hangs. I have increased the pagefile size to see if that helps.

My system info is:
Intel DP35Dp motherboard
CPU: Intel Q9300 Quad core
OS: Win7 Pro - 64bits
4 SATA Hard drives (1- 250 GB; 3 x 500GB)

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