How do i make rests invisible when printed

• Sep 25, 2015 - 19:02

I need to hide some rests because they hide the notes


Hello Judith, it sounds to me as if you have more than 1 voice and therefor have "unnecessary" rests.

It would help if you could at least post a picture although the original file is better and we can be more specific.


Normally, with multiple vocies, it is incorrect to not showe the rests, and MsueScore 2.0 and later at least tries to automatically adjust the position of the rests to reduce collisions. But they can sometimes occur. Instead of hiding the rests, it is usually better to simply move them - click, use arrow keys or Inspector. But if you have one of the very special case situations where it is considered permissible to hide rests, you can do so as described above (eg, press "V").

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