Please help me split 8 bars into 2 lines of 4 so that they are evenly spaced! So frustrating!

• Sep 29, 2015 - 16:19

All i want to do is create 8 bars of music. However, when i use the breaks and spacers pallete to split 8 bars into 2 the second line is half the size of the first. I know this is very basic but it is really frustrating. Please could someone help me with this. Also feel free to correct me on any of my terminology etc.



The second line will stretch on the full line once you add more notes to it. If you don't want to add notes but still get it stretch on the full width; go to Style > General > Page > Last system threshold and set it to 0%.

It depends somewhat on what you want to put into those bars. MuseScore tries to space them out so that the music reads more easily rather than each bar being a fixed width. You can alter things later but are limited in terms of shrinking a bar if it contains a lot of notes.

You can also set Style ->General ->Page Last system fill threshold to a lower value (like 1%) if you wan the last line stretched out regardless of contents.

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