svn and nightly

• Dec 7, 2010 - 20:36

Trying to use the last version in order to track bugs,

I read a RSS whose last message is announcing version 3742
Some days ago I downloaded and got a mscore whose about is 2613,

I just ran
leleu@portable-leleu:~/musescore$ svn update
'.' omis

which did not changed the files in ~/musescore the last ones being from dec 2, among which ~/musescore/mscore/mscore/mscore/revision.h reads as 3731M (which is the revision of the version I use)

What should I do to stick to the last version? I think I discussed yet once about that and that someone told me that svn sometimes doesn't work..... but I'm not able to find this discussion again....

And if someone can explain the message of svn: "'.' omis"
which seems related to the hereunder lines, found in

SVN Quick Reference
Getting Help
svn help get list of subcommands
svn help subcommand get help on subcommand
Working Copies (If [targets. . . ] are omitted, SVN assumes ‘.’)
svn checkout [flags] URL dest create a new working directory dest as a copy of URL
-r N check out revision N of URL
svn update [flags] [targets. . . ] merge repository changes into working targets
-r N update to revision N


What's the output of
cd musescore
cd mscore
svn up

Regarding the about box of the nightly build for linux, I guess make revision needs to be call before building.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

arose, for me, due to the nested mscore directories......and I succeeded to have a general crash due to the overfilling of computer memory....

So I rather wiped the whole thing, and am now in the process of starting from scratch a new "svn" directory, and I'll report later.

But since I read in another post that from to morrow nightly build are labeled with the version number, I think using them is more convenient for me than svn, since I just want to contribute in testing.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

the one you gave works:

leleu@portable-leleu:~$ cd musescore
leleu@portable-leleu:~/musescore$ cd mscore
leleu@portable-leleu:~/musescore/mscore$ svn up
U mscore/mscore/segment.cpp
U mscore/ChangeLog
Actualisé à la révision 3746.

and then
make revision
sudo make install
yield the right version (3746)

so my conclusion is that in…

the lines
svn update
cd mscore

should be inversed:
cd mscore
svn update

Also would be nice to have in fact what you wrote in your message

cd musescore
cd mscore
svn up

In reply to by robert leleu

svn up on the top level folder (as given in the official instructions) is the best. If you SVN up on a sub-level folder it will compile correctly but you get complicated revision numbers in the about box (because part of the folder hierarchy is at one revision and the other part is at another revision).

I am the maintainer of the GNU/Linux nightlies. You are correct, I was not running make revision. I made the update in the build script, and builds made after today will see the changes. Thank you for pointing this out.

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