Sustain pedal not snapping to correct area

• Oct 9, 2015 - 02:00

I'm working on writing an arrangement for piano with pedaling. I'm fairly new to musescore, so I don't have much experience with the controls. I've been inserting pedal lines and using shift+arrow key to snap it to the note the pedal should be lifted on. After doing about ten measures this way, I've encountered a problem that for some reason will not let me use shift+arrow key to snap the end of the pedal line to the desired note. It snaps to either the note after or the second note after. After it snaps to the notes after the desired note, it won't snap back any farther than the note after the desired note. I can't figure out what is causing this. Any help?

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The pedal line doesn't seem to like the fact that you have deleted notes & rests in voice 2, leaving "holes". Officially we do support this, but it causes all sorts of problems, this being one of them apparently. Selecting the LH part, swapping voices 1 & 2, then *hiding* the rests you don't want to see rather than deleting them fixes this. Really, though, these rests should not be hidden at all - it's musically incorrect in many of these cases not to show the rest.

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