No Audio

• Oct 9, 2015 - 17:39

I cannot get any playback on my Musescore 2 /Macbook pro.
I have reset defaults.
Sythesizer is grayed out in view menu so I cannot check sound font setup.
What next?


When you say you reset defaults, do you specifically mean the instructions in "Revert to factory settings" in the Handbook? No other form of reset is likely to be effective.

In reply to by Shoichi

I have reset defaults "again" & it seems to be working now. I can hear the timpani playback with earphones but not through the computer speaker. This is OK for now. Thanks for your assistance.
I left my computer on for a couple of hours. When I returned, I saved my page but when I reopened it, the playback function is grayed out. How do I get the audio working again without going through the reset defaults.

In reply to by malibujohn

I need to write a Timpani score for next weeks concert band practice. Any advice to rectify this "no audio playback" would be appreciated. To recap, I cannot access the synthesizer in "view" it remains grayed out. I have reset the defaults via the handbook( Revert to factory defaults). This allowed me to write a short score that I could playback via earphones but would not play through the Macbook speaker (earphone jack removed). The present condition will not allow playback at all (Playback controls grayed out)

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