2.0.2 - Runtime error when trying to remove bottom staff of piano in "Part".

• Oct 10, 2015 - 15:42

Attached is the file.

When I try to delete the bass staff through "i" and then removing the staff, I get a runtime error.

Attachment Size
Marty's_Madness.mscz 41.91 KB


Unfortunately, there are known issues when trying to add/delete staves from instruments that already have a linekd part. Workaround is to delete the part (File / Parts), then delete the staff, then re-generate the part. See for example #63226: Crash on autosave after deleting staff from instrument in score with linked parts. We need to figure out how we want to handle these cases. The answer might be, we simply disallow adding/deleting staves from instruments involved with linked parts.

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