Playback Audio not working

• Oct 12, 2015 - 01:20

I literally just installed Musescore 2.0.1 on my brand new computer this evening. I plugged in a few notes and hit playback, and no audio came out at all. There was also no audio when I input the notes, even though I had the "play note as note is input" option selected. During playback, the notes were highlighted and scrolled through in time, but no sound came out. There is nothing wrong with my laptop's sound, because other music programs are working fine. I tried doing the factory reset, and that didn't help. How can I get sound on?


Welcome aboard...
Playback audio should work out of the box.
What OS (operating system) - Windows? Mac?

See if the attached file plays.
Also, bundled with MuseScore is a 'demos' file with a few scores. Look in the applications folder (MuseScore2) and see if you get audio on playback.

If not, see:
where you can adjust volume, if necessary.


Attachment Size
Bach - Invention 13.mscz 39.81 KB

Why 2.0.1 and not 2.0.2? I'm guessing maybe you are on Linux. If so, audio is a bit more complicated. What are your settings in Edit / Preferences / I/O?

Also, do be sure you have completely installed MuseScore - building yourself requires "make install". What soundfonts do you see listed in View / Synthesizer?

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