Video for part rehearsal?

• Oct 12, 2015 - 21:42

Greetings all!
Not sure which forum this should be in but I figured this was a good one to start with!
I an writing a baritone line for a 4 part anthem and wanted to know if there was a way to make a 'video' of the screen as the line is being played so all the singer need do is pull up a file and watch the screen.

Any feedback and/or help would be great!


MuseScore is free software, so why not save yourself some work and just email them the files and a link to download MuseScore. ;)

However, if you think they are too lazy to download MuseScore (I know many people who are) then just upload the score to and you will get a shareable video link, like this one:

You can set the score to be private so it can only be seen by people you send the link to.

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