Layout issue related to frames and courtesy time signatures
Nightly dd4530e, or 2.0.2 / Windows7
1) Load this file: test file.mscz
2) Insert an horizontal frame in the measure 2 (time sig 2/4)
3) Add a line break in measure 5 (before measure time sig 3/4)
4) Extend the horizontal frame just before the creation of a third system. Like this:
4) Add -> Frames -> Append a text frame (same issue with other frames)
5) Undo
Result: (measures 2 to 4 disappear)
6) Redo: nothing happens.
You must delete a frame for recover the layout and the measures.
- Note this issue doesn't occur if the courtesy time signatures are disabled (in Inspector, or in Style -> General -> Page -> Untick "Create courtesy time signatures")
Win 10 / MS 3.0-dev, ea5d651
Looks to be fixed (but double check) in the above nightly.
reopen if not
Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.