Crashes When Deleting Measures

• Oct 19, 2015 - 00:13

Hi! There are measures in my score that I cannot delete or change time signature, because as soon as I delete or change the time signature, the program crashes without completing the task. I understand the problem, and how it is expecting "x-counts" in the score and when it is deleted, the program views it as an unexpected error and crashes.

My question is, is there a way that they can actually be deleted without editing a part of my score or no? The file is attached if anybody wants to experiment or edit with it.

Attachment Size
Of the Storm.mscz 269.06 KB


In reply to by Marc Sabatella

The Parts (eg Basses) were badly corrupted in particular around measures 20/30.
I do not know why. Do you remember any particular actions that could explain this?
I deleted and restored the parts. I see no more corruption and crashes for now. Seems okay, if I have not forgotten anything... Thank you for checking yourself, please, the score is a bit long! :)

Fixed file (let's hope so!): 1 Of the Storm.mscz

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