How do I notate ties that have different note durations?

• Jan 2, 2011 - 02:46

I'm notating a piano etude by Prokofiev so that I can listen to it and play along with it at any tempo I want. But I'm having serious problems notating a section of this piece. The result when I tie the two notes as seen in the attachment is that MuseScore fails to keep the tied notes and instead makes them untied notes.

The notation with the white background is the original score, while the one in the brown background is the failed notation of the last beat of the second measure and the third measure from the original score.

Please help me so that I can successfully notate this score. Thank you.

Attachment Size
Prokofiev Etude.png 50.77 KB


You need to use three different voices in the third measure of your attached screenshot (white background). One voice for the quarter note on beat one, another voice for the whole note on beat one, and another voice for the half note on beat one.

MuseScore (like some other notation software) does not correctly handle ties for one voice (in measure 2 of your screenshot) to a different voice (measure 3 of your screenshot). You can approximate the visual result using slurs.

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