Decrease space between pieces?

• Oct 29, 2015 - 12:52

I'm still having difficulty with this. (space following end signs) I've attached an example. I tried resetting the staff and grand staff distances with no results. (I closed and re-opened the file.) I put in a vertical frame but I'm unable to decrease beyond a certain point. Any suggestions?

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ALTO-Test Pieces.pdf 32.33 KB


It's kind of hard to tell what is going on from just a picture rather than the actual score. From the looks of things, there is only staff but multiple systems, so the staff distance settings are not relevant - only the system distance settings. Since the systems are not the same distance apart, howeve,r it kind of looks like there are spacers or something else forcing some of the systems to be farther apart than others. Again, hard to say without the actual score.

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