Frames become un-editable and mess up score's spacing

• Jan 10, 2011 - 15:47

I'm new to using Musescore and I was making a score in which I wanted certain systems to be "short" and end part-way across the page.
* I used a horizontal frame to create enough space between the measure that was supposed to end the system and the following measure that the following measure eventually wrapped onto the next system.
* Then I adjusted the measure stretch on the short system's measures so that they wouldn't be too compressed by the frame (because the protocol of the frame seemed to be compressing the measures on either side of it as it expanded.)

I got the spacing just how I wanted it but I noticed that the frames turned from boxes to thick lines where the top of the box had been.

Then I re-opened the file and the note and chord symbol spacing on the short system (before the frame) was compressed to the point of being unreadable.
The thick gray lines that represent the frames are now impossible to select, move or delete!

Help?! Thanks.


I decided to try just re-doing the score by copying and pasting all the measures from the old score into a new Musescore document. The idea was that the new doc would not retain the measure and system spacing data so I could try to lay it out again w/o the same problems.

I hadn't discovered until doing this that you can put a system break ON a frame (because it's considered a measure). This is exactly what I was trying to do before - have a system break right after the frame.

The trouble is now that when I break system after the frame (on the 1st page this time) the following measure wraps to the next system without THE REST of that next system moving anywhere. So the measure that wraps is directly superimposed on the following measure! I'm attaching both (assuming they work this time) for comparison.


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Deadmail2.mscz 4.41 KB
Deadmail3.mscz 4.44 KB

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