Fehlende (kleine) Bindebögen zwischen Voschlagsnote und Hauptnote in der git-Version dd4530e, mscore-2.1.0

• Nov 6, 2015 - 12:39

Ich habe die von mir selbst compilierte Git-Version (dd4530e, mscore-2.1.0) von Mscore unter Fedora 23 am laufen und habe festgestellt, dass bei Vorschlagsnoten (Ziehen von Gracenotes aus der Palette auf die Hauptnote) die Bindesbögen zwischen Vorschlagsnote und Hauptnote fehlen. In der Version 2.0.1 tritt dieser Fehler nicht auf!


(this is the English forum..)
confirmed, indeed the slur between any of the grace notes from the corresponding palette and the note they get attach to is missing in the latest development builds.
Here on Windows 7 (Enterprise, 64bit)
But this is the same for MuseScore 2.0.2 and also 2.0.1 and 2.0 (tested with the portable apps) and also with 1.3 (but here the icons don't show slurs).
If you want slurs, just add them?

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Sorry, you are right, in 2.0.1 too (I did not test V2.0.2 and V1.3), the slurs are missing. But I can add slurs, that's no problem. Only 1 problem: If moving the grace note vertically a little bit to the next staff line, then the main note will be moved to the same direction too. This seems to be an additional flaw. They do not seem to be independent.

Joachim Backes

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