How can you set Musescore metronome so it click for each 1/8 note?
Hi everyone
I have been trying to make MS metronome to click on each 1/8 note. It doesn't seem to work. No matter how I change tempo or tempo marking. Metronome still beat for each quarter note. I am working on a piece with multiple time signatures (3/4, 6/8, 9/8, 12/8, 7/8). It will be really helpful to hear the beat for 1/8 note.
(one work-around I can think of is to simply insert a drum set of 1/8 notes, but it's very cumbersome, and doesn't look very good either).
Any help is appreciated.
As far as I know, the only way to get this is to write the piece in a way that the measure unit be the 1/8 note.
See the attached file.
In reply to As far as I know, the only by jotape1960
It’s nice for this 6/8 song has six beats of count in when play starts, just like a 4/4 we would expect four.
In reply to It’s nice for this 6/8 song… by Xianyue賢越
The usual way of counting 6/8 is two beats. If you want non-standard counting you can always create your own click track. But sure, some day in the future as an enhancement adding non-standard metronome options could be a possibility.
In reply to The usual way of counting 6… by Marc Sabatella
For a slow 6/8 song count in six beats is easier, but thanks for attention.
In reply to For a slow 6/8 song count in… by Xianyue賢越
In that case, are you sure the tune is not in 3/4? :)
6/8 is a duple pulse, as Marc mentioned.
In reply to The usual way of counting 6… by Marc Sabatella
Noticed this is a few years old, wondered if "adding non-standard metronome options " has happened?
What I'm trying to do is let students hear the metronome click 8ths evenly in 6-8.
What I did for 4-4 was to set the time signature to 8-8, works fine.
If I change 3-4 to 6-8 it clicks in time, of course, but accents the 1st and 4th clicks.
I'd prefer to have it in the metronome rather than an additional staff with 8ths if possible.
In reply to Hi, Noticed this is a few… by Duke Sharp
Sorry, the metronome hasn't changed in this respect.
In reply to Sorry, the metronome hasn't… by mike320
Thanks - I sort of guessed that but thought I might as well ask.
In reply to Hi, Noticed this is a few… by Duke Sharp
Not sure how long it has bee the case, but currently, you get eighth note in 6/8 clicks at a slow enough tempo.
In reply to Not sure how long it has bee… by Marc Sabatella
He said he could get clicks on the 8th notes, but they are emphasized on beats 1 & 4 which he doesn't want.
In reply to He said he could get clicks… by mike320
You got it!
In reply to Not sure how long it has bee… by Marc Sabatella
Thanks for taking a look! - Mike's right, it emphasizes clicks 1 & 4.
In reply to Thanks for taking a look! - … by Duke Sharp
If you are in 6/8 and the metronome ticks each 1/8 note, why do you you find annoying that clicks 1 and 4 are emphasized?
In reply to If you are in 6/8 and the… by frfancha
Because, I realize now, he's really in 3/4, but is trying to trick the metronome into clicking eighths by calling it 6/8 instead.
In reply to Because, I realize now, he's… by Marc Sabatella
Ok got it.
Then Indeed emphasize the 4th 1/8 click is really not what you want.
But we come back to the original request : play panel should show more options for metronome (AND allow to save it with sound file export).
In reply to Ok got it. Then Indeed… by frfancha
OK - maybe I'm not looking in the right place -
I'm using and the only options I see on the play panel are count in option, off and on, and 3 sliders for metronome volume, tempo and master volume.
And I'd really like to be able to save it with an export, didn't think that was an option and don't see a way to choose that.
I looked through the bar on top with the play panel open (file - edit - view etc) and didn't see anything that looked like it pertains to the play panel or metronome.
What am I missing?
Thanks for having a look.
In reply to OK - maybe I'm not looking… by Duke Sharp
You're not missing anything. frfrancha as well as others want the features but they don't exist.
In reply to You're not missing anything… by mike320
OK - I thought that might be the case cuz I looked everywhere I could think of.
In reply to Because, I realize now, he's… by Marc Sabatella
Yes! Thanks!
In reply to Because, I realize now, he's… by Marc Sabatella
That's it!
In reply to The usual way of counting 6… by Marc Sabatella
But there are plenty of (modern) songs, like progressive type music, that uses 6,9,12 etc. time signatures in a non-compound manner.
Filling a staff with eighth notes should be very quick and simple. Just enter a few them, select them, then hold the "R" key to repeat the selection until you hit the end of the score. You can then make the staff invisible (Edit / Instruments, uncheck the "Visible" option).
In reply to Filling a staff with eighth by Marc Sabatella
Good solution!!!
But, I think the point here is about some basic issue of the music: Where is the accent to count the rhythm rule? Or... Which note(s) the metronome should mark? ???
6/8 is a binary compound tempo: 6 eight notes in 2 groups of 3 notes per group. It means that the way to count it is: 1 (accentuated) - 2 - 3, 4 (accentuated) - 5 - 6... and so and on. The metronome marks the two accentuated first notes of each group.
In the other hand, 3/8 is a ternary simple tempo: 3 eight notes, each one equivalent to the tempo (or measure) beat. It means that the way to count it is: 1 (accentuated) - 2 - 3... and so and on. The metronome marks the three notes (beats) of each measure.
The last thing is what our friend wants, but it is intended only to 3/8.
My humble opinion is that the today MuseScore metronome is working so fine (according to the standard "rules" of the musical rhythm counting).
Remember that MuseScore is mainly focused on the final paper printed music score.
Even so... Why not to go a little further and add an extra option, here? ???
Greetings & Blessings from Chile!!!!!!!
In reply to Good solution!!! But, I think by jotape1960
I do not print any more since I had musescore and surface pro, editing and playing acc is going to be the main trend in music notation software.
In reply to Good solution!!! But, I think by jotape1960
See also #248856: Request for control over metronome behavior in compound meter and #304412: Metronome ticks do not always match reference beat value
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Spero di esserti stato utile.
Fammi sapere.
Buona musica
In reply to @usyyu1 Spero di aver capito… by Claudio Riffero
Thank you, sir. That's exactly what I'm looking for. How did you set up the metronome to tick at 1/8?
I've been struggling with it.
In reply to @usyyu1 Spero di aver capito… by Claudio Riffero
How did you set up the metronome to tick at 1/8?
In reply to How did you set up the… by drummerMan
By using a time signature based on 8th
In reply to By using a time signature… by Jojo-Schmitz
Aaah Joni I get it now. Just convert time sig you have to eight note. Eg, if 4/4 make it 4/8, etc
In reply to Aaah Joni I get it now. … by drummerMan
It would probably be better to change 4/4 to 8/8. That would keep the barlines in the same place.
I found a solution if anyone is still looking! Just go to view at the top select palettes. then select tempos and then select the one that is eighth note = 80 then double click the starting note. From here you can double clicke the new tempo indication to adjust speed and now the metronome click will now be on every eighth instead of every quarter which helps with slow 6/8