Export .mp3 gets stuck at 99%

• Nov 15, 2015 - 07:05

I downloaded the Lame plugin so I could export a score as an MP3 file, but the exporting process freezes at 99%. The only way I can cancel the export is by force quitting Musescore. I also tried reverting to factory settings, but that didn't seem to do anything...

I'm running Musescore 2.0 on OS X Yosemite. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks in advance.


Vista/2.0.2 falls asleep at 99% seems as mentioned here: https: //musescore.org/en/node/87216
So I made a few attempts and initially MuseScore crashed
(Fatal error: 267190 column line 19 There is one IDREF value with no Corresponding ID: P26-I25.)
If you need it I was able to export to mp3, let me know
Take a look at the paragraph on mp3: https://musescore.org/en/handbook/file-format-0

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