Spacers, "prima volta" lines and hidden systems

• Nov 23, 2015 - 10:21

I work on a piano score that needs at some places 4 staves, one above the "normal" ones, one below. "Hide staves" and "Never hide when empty" is activated and works perfectly fine.

The 2 things that caught my interest are these:

1. When using spacers (up) on a regular system, where only 2 staves are shown, the spacers still uses the hidden staff to calculate it's distance to the top system.

2. Lines like a prima volta line that are initially attached to the top most system stick to it, even when the system is hidden. That also means that, as soon as spacers are used, the line also moves out of place.

My question is: Is this the intended behavior? Or should the hidden staves break out of any calculation?

My question is out of pure interest just to get a grips on the software-related thinking behind MuseScore. Thanks!


Voltas are attached to a system and shown above the top staff of the system. That is the top visible staff (or vertical- or text frame or page border). If they don't, I'd call it a bug.
Same for spacer up/down, they should refer to the the next visible staff abobe/below.
Same für system text (as opposed to staff text), Segnos, D.C., etc and Tempo text

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