Volta 1 with Dal Segno

• Dec 6, 2015 - 16:03

I'm a total amateur notating. It seems first time around doesn't get counted with 'D.S. al Coda'.
It plays alright to the second Volta but it plays the first one too again.

This is not a big problem, just thought I should mention it.

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Isoaeidin_soittorasia2.mscz 32.65 KB


I don't udnerstand the intended raodmap. This isn't a standard usage of these symbols - codas never normally happen *within* the passage being repeat, but are always *after*. Also, you have a volta, but not repeat sign, which also doesn't make sense. Shouldn't the first DS & segno just be a repeat? Anyhow, if I as a musician can't figure out the meaning, I guess it isn't surprising MsueScore can't either :-)

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Heh. Thanks for reply. I have to figure out some other ways notating this. Original score had text written on it telling how it should be played. I can get rid of DS2 with one line.

Musescore playes it completely except for 2 notes from Volta1 played again on second round.

Thanks again!

EDIT: This is not a Musescore question but how can I make a small section played only on first verse?

In reply to by csjanne

Depends what you want to happen intead on the second verse. If you want it to just be silent, you add text that says "1st time only", and then musicians will substitute rests the second time. if you want the passage skipped entirely, there is no way of notating that using repeats or DS marking - you simply write it out in full.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks for input again!
Good to know text is allowed.
I'm in a choir. We have a Christmas concert next Sunday. Old score was very messy. At least now it is readable. another reason for me making it anew : I can rehearse my own voice home better.

DS2 markings write out full - thats what I meant with 1 more line. Anyway they seem to work fine with MuseScore even though unorthodox.

Thanks again!

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