Keyboard Midi file - percussion format

• Dec 6, 2015 - 18:25


Trying to record some christmas carols and import the midi to MuseScore.

Some midi files are imported as percussion-drums, see:
Midi import percussion.png

Is there an option to change the instrument back to keyboard/piano?

Thank you for your help.

Kind regards,

Attachment Size
Midi import percussion.png 15.26 KB


Is this a MIDI file created using the recording capability on a Yamaha keybaord by chance? If so, I think you are seeing a known bug specific to how Yamaha MIDI files are imported - #85856: Piano renders as percussion on SMF import with Yamaha XG SysEx block. See also for a discussion of possible workarounds. You can also just copy and paste the music to a piano staff, then fix the noteheads with Ctrl+A to select all, press Notes button in Inspector to limit selection to notes, then hit the reset button next to the "Head group" control.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Yes, exactly. I'm using a Yamaha DGX-630, so the problem seems to be related to the Yamaha SysEx block issue.

It is possible to open the files with other progs like Finale Notepad, Capella, Forte Notensatz, ... and re-export the midi. This file can be edited by MuseScore, however this will result in degradation.
I recently rediscovered the MuseScore protject and I like it.

So I subscibed to #85856: Piano renders as percussion on SMF import with Yamaha XG SysEx block longing for a fix.

Kind regards,

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