• Dec 9, 2015 - 18:01

I downloaded OS El Capitan's latest update, and I no longer have any sound on Musescore. I have turned the volume all the way up on both my Mac and the Play Panel, I have reset it to factory settings, I have uninstalled the app and reinstalled it, and nothing seems to work! HELP!


In reply to by Thomas

We may not know all the situations that might to lead to this, but I think we know we the basic fact common to nost of these reports - for whatever reason, the soundfont path specified in the preferences cannot be found. I would suggest that in this case, we pop up a dialog saying, "soundfont folder not found - revert to factory default?". We may well want to do the same with other folders (eg, style, templates).

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

The first question is whether resetting that particular preference alone will actually solve the problem. I seem to remember having this problem at one time, knowing what the possible causes were, seeing if the "Reset All Preferences to Default" button worked, and finding that one way or another it didn't.

When you say you have reset to factory, be sure you are following the procedure listed in the Handbook under "Reverrt to factory settings". it involves running form the command line with the "-F" option. This is *not* the same as just pressing the reset button in the Preferences dialog.

In reply to by rachel.fitzsim…

Here's something from the handbook:
"...the initial default SoundFont installed with MuseScore is located in a system directory, meant only for that purpose, which should not be modified. This directory and its default SoundFont file is:

•Mac OS X: /Applications/MuseScore

So... is the FluidR3Mono_GM.sf3 found in the appropriate directory?

Also see:
and try to load another soundfont

BTW: Do you get sound on other apps?


In reply to by Jm6stringer

@Rachel could you verify like Jm6Stringer explained under /Applications/MuseScore whether you see FluidR3Mono_GM.sf3 listed?

To enter get there, right click on MuseScore2 in the Applications folder and click on Show Package Contents. FluidR3Mono_GM.sf3 should be listed and be around 13,6 MB in size.

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